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Lyra Rembrandt Graphite Aquarell - water-soluble graphite pencil

Lyra Rembrandt Graphite Aquarell - water-soluble graphite pencil
Lyra Graphite Aquarell pencils are very durable and available in three grades of hardness.
They are all AP certified as non-toxic and produce fluid lines which can be blurred as with traditional pencils.
However, with the use of a little water and a brush you can create beautiful watercolour drawings.
Perfect for graphic work, design and art.
Lyra Rembrandt Graphite Aquarell - water soluble graphite pencil - HB
Lyra Rembrandt Graphite Aquarell - water soluble graphite pencil - 4B
Lyra Rembrandt Graphite Aquarell - water soluble graphite pencil - 8B
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