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Lefranc Bourgeois Coloured masking fluid

Lefranc Bourgeois Coloured masking fluid
Drawing gum – also known as masking fluid and liquid frisket – is a product that makes it easy to create striking graphic effects. It can be applied to both blank and prepared surface.
Applied to the surface prior to the application of colours, it enables you to mask off areas that you don’t want to be coloured. Left to dry for several minutes, it can be easily rubbed off to reveal the surface below.
The drawing gum can be used regardless of technique: gouache, acrylic, watercolour, ink, etc. The new blue-coloured gum makes it easier to see the outline created.
Lefranc Bourgeois coloured masking fluid - 75ml bottle
Lefranc Bourgeois coloured masking fluid - 250ml bottle
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