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Da Vinci Badger softener series 96 - badger - flat - short handle
6 items
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Da Vinci Brush series 2468 - white hog bristles - wavy mottler - decoration handle
1 item
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Da Vinci Brush series 2493 - white hog bristles - angular - handle mottler
3 items
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Da Vinci Vario-Effect - brush series 88 - synthetic fibre mixture - round - short handle
Escoda Round brush - series 7500 - white chungking
5 items
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Escoda Round brush - series 7600 - white chungking
5 items
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Escoda Round brush - series 7700 - white chungking
5 items
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Escoda Restore - round brush - series 7501 - bristle
2 items
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Escoda Restore - round brush - series 7601 - bristle - extra-short handle
2 items
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Escoda Restore - round brush - series 7701 - bristle - extra-short handle
2 items
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Leonard Brush series 209 - hog bristle - oval - long handle
5 items
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Leonard Brush series 334 - hog bristle - oval - long handle
5 items
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Leonard Brush series 380 - hog bristle - oval - long handle
4 items
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Leonard Brush series 642 - hog bristle - round - long handle
4 items
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Schleiper Grandissimo - round brush - serie 7006 - synthetic fibres
3 items
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Schleiper Grandissimo - bent easel brush - serie 7130 - synthetic fibres
3 items
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Schleiper Grandissimo - easel brush - serie 7140 - synthetic fibres
3 items
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Schleiper Grandissimo - angular brush - serie 7198 - synthetic fibres
3 items
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Stencil brushes

Da Vinci Stencil brush series 113 - white hog bristle - square
11 items
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Da Vinci Pastelstump series 132 - poney - square edge - short handle
5 items
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Schleiper Stencil brush series 2063 - hog bristle - square
11 items
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Liquitex Free Style - Splatter - flat
Liquitex Free Style - Splatter - round
Schleiper Blue Wonder - effect brush - serie 7551 - round - synthetic fibres - n.43
Schleiper Blue Wonder - effect brush - serie 7552 - fan - synthetic fibres - n.43
Schleiper Blue Wonder - effect mottler - serie 7550 - synthetic fibres
4 items
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Da Vinci Brush series 2466 - hog bristles - comb - decoration handle
4 items
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Rubber Combs

Peacock Rubber comb
2 items
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Cut Liners

Da Vinci Brush series 700 - squirrel - cut liner - short handle
5 items
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Leonard Brush series 5079 - squirrel - angular - short handle
7 items
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Da Vinci Gilder's duster series 450 - black goat - oval - short handle
1 item
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Da Vinci Mop series 710 - squirrel - oval - without handle
3 items
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Gilders Brushes

Da Vinci Gilder's tip series 500 - squirrel - single thickness
7 items
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Da Vinci Gilder's tip series 502 - squirrel - double thickness
4 items
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Leonard Brush series 3230 - squirrel - gilding tip
2 items
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